Join the Rotarian legacy of service and support
Each year, Camp Haccamo offers a totally unique experience where over 200 children and young adults with different abilities can live and play together. It's also the only camp in our region that provides services for adults with special needs, ages 19-30, in a camp setting. We'd like to invite you to consider a personal or corporate sponsorship of Camp Haccamo. Your financial support will help us continue the tradition of service and opportunity that Camp Haccamo has offered the region since its inception.
Please support Camp Haccamo's Annual Giving Campaign
We pack a lot into just one week—a week where campers get to have fun while developing skills, confidence and
independence. A week where caregivers can have a respite to take a break, relax and recharge. When Camp
Haccamo lost its major funder we were worried that camp might have to close its doors. That’s why we’re asking
for your support. Your tax-deductible donation is critical to enabling Camp Haccamo to continue to provide
empowering experience for our campers and respite for their families.
$1000 pays for a whole week for one camper
$250 covers one team counselor for a week - we need 45 per week
$100 supports printing application and medical forms for each camper
$50 takes care of breakfast juice for 100 campers for 4 days
$25 pays for arts & crafts for campers to explore their creativity​
Thank you for sharing your generosity and making our campers' experience at Camp Haccamo possible for next summer, and many more to come!

Camper Michael's artwork for the Hike for Haccamo t-shirts

"Camp Haccamo Pirate Bunny" Â Camper's artwork on Head Counselor Samantha Andrews
How you can support us:
Donate here via PayPal (Credit Cards Accepted)
Make a Donation
United Way Donor #1046
A safe and secure way to donate.
Donations can also be made via mail.​
Please make checks payable to:
Camp Haccamo​
Mail to: P.O. Box 25177
Rochester, NY 14625
Tax Deduction
Gifts received qualify as a charitable deduction
Your employers can help too!
Your generosity can have twice the impact. Check with your employer to see if they offer matching gift opportunities!